The Framework

POWS is a framework that tries to cover the main ways people learn: visually, verbally, kinesthetically and holistically/contextual.

To make these terms more practical I have called them: Pictures, Objects, Words and Stories or POWS.

The aim of POWS is to provide a resource that teachers can use to plan lessons that cover different learning styles.


Pictures are great for visual learners.

Pictures can include: photographs, illustrations, diagrams, video etc.


Objects are great for kinethetic learners.

Objects can include: Multi-link, Numicon, Weighing Scale, Algebra Tiles etc.


Words are great for verbal learners.

Words can include: talking, writing and listening etc.


Stories are great for holistic learners.

Stories provide a context to the learning and can include: real world examples, imaginary scenarios, acting it out and games.